Friday, August 05, 2011

Off to Mums.

Cereal for breakfast, two hours working from home. Then it's two buses to mums. Pop into Tesco metro for a lighter choices prawn Mayo sandwich. Some fruit and very nice too.

Wednesday, August 03, 2011

Water water everywhere - Day 2

Last night I dreamt of water, every shape, form or presentation. Fizzy sparkling frozen, lakes, waterfalls, kettles everlasting tea urns. When I woke up my bladder was like a space hopper. Goodness me the first few minutes of wakefulness were a challenge.
I reviewed my day and realised it was all the water I drank yesterday well it has to go somewhere. Breakfast and lunch are out of the way. feel satiated need to go for a walk soon and exercise. Motivation nil. Done my first bit of serious work from hem today (for the day job).
Logistical problems around the phones etc remain.
I have been really touched by the good wishes of people on WLSinfo.

Tuesday, August 02, 2011

Is anybody out there.

I am stretching my blogging hand for the first time in a while. So much has happened and so little has changed. I still have struggles with demons and live in hope of a daily reprieve. This post tonight from WLSinfo took a lot to write
Anyone who has been here for a while will now I have had a complex history since I had my bypass in 2002. I have ticked far too many boxes in the physical illness section, struggled with mental health issues and cross dependency issues. Looking back its been an interesting journey and I have survived lots and made many good friends. My weight has yo yod and I new since my recent hospital admission that the new pills I am on would increase my already out of control weight. Good friends have been worried but its difficult to mention, and like most here I am a sensitive soul.

The AGM is pressing and I have made a plan to slow down the weight gain or even lose some by then. I am taking a very gradual slow steady approach to this. I have seen other friends struggling with regain, and them making plans, and taking admirable steps.

I have just snook into Tesco under cover of darkness and done "the walk" to the scales at the back. It didnt feel good and I got a bit of a shock.

I have a plan and a programme in place and I face the end of this day nearly feeling positive about food and weight for the first time in a long time. I feel unable to share details about numbers etc yet though if I lose 5 stone by the AGM I may mention it (kidding).

Just vocalising it makes it easier, please dont accuse me of, not practising what I preach, nor obeying what I advocate, the judgemental stuff or scorn doesnt help. I feel a few pound has just dropped of my chest by venting anyway. If I was a finisher I would write a blog or something. Anyway onward and upward.

Anyway one day at a time weighed today 24st 13lbs. I need to face some honest truth about where I am still about ten stone off after nine years. Want to see a shlow down of gain by 4th September and a loss by AGM.

Speech and language therapist says there is improvement

I have been practicing writing emails on both the keyboard and my phone. Apparently the practice is paying off. I am really lucky that we ha...