Saturday, August 09, 2008

Yet more complaints

That I haven't been blogging. Truth is I have been mad busy. Was lecturing in Leeds. Came back busy at work. Busy on website doing my utmost to get all done even with a broken leg. Involved in two projects I had to sign non disclosure agreements about. So they remain secrets for now. All will come clear one day. Not that exciting really.
Ally gets a job with Liverpool PCT for the summer doing stuff based at Earle Road medical centre. Dublin based work takes up a lot of my efforts. Involved with the web space and radio advertising big time. I hate not being able to drive have to rely on Jean, Conor for work, and friends for meetings. Writing this for the museum conservation centre having just seen a great exhibition Stewart Bale photographs called Metropolis. Closes tomorrow and I was keen to catch it. Jeans birthday yesterday so a lot of birthday foccused activity. Yesterday saw debut of Sophia my great niece and goddaughters child. She is delightful pictures on flickr.

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