Friday, November 29, 2013

Good meeting of BOMSS council at Queen Elizabeth II Conference Centre I coped with my tube phobia pretty well. The post injection pain in my feet was bothersome. Got back to Euston by reversing my route - it was more stressful the streets were really busy. On the train there was no hot water so it was free alcoholic drinks vend on the trolley. I pushed the boat out and had three of those tiny pepsi max tins. Glad to see Dickie B has stopped pushing his piss poor cola. Home via Allys then its off out tonight for a meal with the guys.

On the 7.48 headed for London. Up quite early at 6.30 and did remarkably well. Had a good visit to the specialist nurse in Walton Neuro last night. Had to wait a long time but they made it as comfortable as possible. An display in the costa cafe that showed if your number was called. Then when that shut watching flog it with the sound off and subtitles on. It actuall made it better for me. Was looking forward to pointless then a drone switched over for Paul O'Grady.

On the 7.48 headed for London. Up quite early at 6.30 and did remarkably well. Had a good visit to the specialist nurse in Walton Neuro last night. Had to wait a long time but they made it as comfortable as possible. An display in the costa cafe that showed if your number was called. Then when that shut watching flog it with the sound off and subtitles on. It actuall made it better for me. Was looking forward to pointless then a drone switched over for Paul O'Grady.
When I went in to see the Nurse she was really top. She remembered me from the anxious preop calls I had made and strangely from a TV documentary I had done many moons ago. She showed use the scans and the angios. Think Jean got it more than me I could never visual the Sagittal slicing stuff. Suffice to say she pointed out scarring in my nut caused by the bleed in 2007. I didn't understand but it was something to do with the breakdown iron from the blood in a place it shouldn't be.
The dawn light is lovely and I think getting up fro dawn at this time of year may be doable.

Thursday, November 28, 2013

Feet sore after the injections yesterday, poor nights kip too. Had a good time with good friends at the Winwick quiz. Enjoyed it. Been productive after getting up early to have my chimney swept (no madam its not a euphemism). Still no sign - if he gets here and gets it done its off to get Nanna for a quick swoop to Morrisons. Have to back here to get to a 4.30 appt with Specialist nurse at Walton Centre. Been sorting emails and website stuff and printing stuff to read on the train tomorrow.

Back to blogging -

I did blogging many moons ago. I was obsessive and diligent then it got easier more mainstream and its lost its thrill for me. I am wondering if I should take it up again as part og my start on this Photography course.

Monday, October 07, 2013

You can see by how long its been that I have been far from a diligent blogger. I am now doing a bit as an independent nurse. Still Chair of WLSinfo - Sometime Photographer. A busy week ahead - prep for the WLSinfo AGM weekend Friday and Saturday. Its a busy time of year.

Saturday, April 13, 2013

Testing from iPad

Time for this chap to engage and immerse in the full social media stuff. I was blogging nearly 11 years ago (so what) and arrived late for every subsequent party since. The wise Ally says I have a portfolio career and I am involved on the third sector still. Want to see how best to do "social media" without becoming a slave to it.
Watch this space

Friday, August 05, 2011

Off to Mums.

Cereal for breakfast, two hours working from home. Then it's two buses to mums. Pop into Tesco metro for a lighter choices prawn Mayo sandwich. Some fruit and very nice too.

And so it begins